Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cheer Up Stressed Youth, the Asteroid is Coming

I recently read that today's youth, I believe it was the age group of 20-33 year olds, are the most "stressed out generation". The article did not clearly identify the stressors--but indicated it was mostly money and job woes.
Everyone likes to blame"the economy", but nobody wants to point out that maybe the US economy (as we know it) is actually unsustainable in the first place. I mean, growth, growth and more growth? Even Jack knew the bean-stock would eventually stop growing.
So instead of freaking out---ease your worries:
1) You probably don't need as much money as your parents did. In the old days, kids were just glad to inherit a damn gravy bowl---nowadays, everyone lives like a hoarder, so you are bound to inherit MOUNTAINS of furnishings, dishes, and household goods--none of which you will like. BUT you will learn not to make this mistake with your own kids, it's much cheaper to only purchase groceries and floor cushions (live like the Turks).

2) Move somewhere new. The most amazing thing about "too many (human)rats in a cage" is that even when the cage door is open, the rats don't leave!!
If you handle freezing winters--try North Dakota or Alaska. You may just fall ass backwards into a job, and your stress disappear, as these rural folk don't take themselves seriously.

3) Send your iphone swimming. This sounds horrible, I know. But being oblivious to texts and constant updates is very, very nice.

4) Cheer up--we were almost hit by an asteroid! Everything we humans have worked for and care about could be wiped out by a space rock at any given moment.  Just ask the dinosaurs. So relax man and enjoy!

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