Friday, December 21, 2012

The NRA Smokes Crack

Ok folks, the only way to explain the craziness coming out of the National Rifle Association wind pipe, is that their management smokes crack. Like serious hard core crack.

I was already flabbergasted a few months back when they sent me their weird membership letter. It wasn't about hunting or target shooting--it was about paranoid delusions--that liberal billionaires were coming for them, and the UN, media elite... blah, blah. Feeding the uneducated paranoia machine in order to boost gun sales. Who are these slime balls anyway?
 They have got to have the sense to know that other developed nations, with less guns and more restrictions also have less gun deaths (duh)....
Or maybe they don't???? Today's statement that we need armed guards in schools, may just show a whole new level of non-intelligence by these folks. I mean have they ever traveled to a third world country??? That's what a third world (or war-stricken) nation looks like!!!! Armed guards everywhere!!!!!!.

From my own travels in South America, I remember the armed guards in the motel parking lot we were staying in. It did not evoke a feeling of safety (nor did it chase away the prostitutes) it just made the whole experience kind of creepy. And this is the America the NRA wants for us?? Where are they buying their crack????

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Human Condition Spectrum Disorder

I have noticed in the past few days how the media (mostly talk radio--why do I even bother listening???)  have all become some sort of experts on mental health. Mixing up terms like "mental illness" with "autism" , or the conservative cry for "more discussions on mental health, not guns...". What are they even talking about?? Mental illness and alleged aspergers are complete apples and oranges. But these silly right wingers- have this juvenile need to classify the human condition into two neat categories: the sane and insane.

Listen folks, it just isn't that easy. There are people born with developmental delays, people with chemical imbalances, people who recover from imbalances, there are people on drugs, people with traumatic childhoods, there are pedophiles, there are psychopaths, there are saints and there are sinners, people with traumatic brain injuries, smart people and dumb people, compassionate people and selfish ones. Some are all of the above. And you will never know for sure which people will do what--ha! But we live amongst them nevertheless.

The biggest conservative lie is that we are all equal. This is why they DON'T UNDERSTAND (or want to understand) the need for government controls or so called "entitlement programs".  Somehow, the conservative condition requires one to have their head in the sand, at all times. They sit around on comfy leather chairs spewing crap like: "just take away government and things will be fine! Who needs rules, social programs and regulations?!" (Welcome to the right wing nut world) If there is one real diagnosis that actually applies to people at all times, it would be called " the human condition spectrum disorder."  We are many things, malleable and complex. And we'll always need help....

Thursday, December 6, 2012

My Turn for Heat

Outside it was -9 yesterday. My son complained that during recess, the hockey puck snapped in half from the cold.. (the cut off for outdoor recess is -10 F)
Meanwhile, I have checked out from all this cold crap. I have been doing the worst thing possible for a liberal greenie. Hiding out and heating the house!!! To a comfortable temperature! Am I now a republican? 
After 9 years of freezing at my last house/cabin thingy in the woods, we finally have a furnace!! And what fun a furnace is!
I still require wool socks on my feet--but the rooms are warm. But my crazy family is so used to all this Alaskan cold, they have the nerve to complain that it is TOO HOT in the house! I actually had to apply a cold compress on my son's head last can I live with these warm-blooded creatures?