Thursday, September 13, 2012

Why Did They Send Me This?

So here I was sorting through my snail mail this morning--and what do I find clearly addressed to me? A petition and solicitation from the NRA!! They want my signature and financial support !
How do I even get on this kind of mailing list?
The letter was completely dumbed down and full of crazy speak. All the signature "lets get the undereducated really paranoid" lines included. Such as: "global gun ban diplomats at the UN", and the "freedom hating media elite", my personal favorite: "radical billionaires" are all coming to take away your guns!!!
In my caffeine induced morning fury, I wanted to scribble all sorts of nonsense on their petition--"like the 2nd amendment is from 1791, do you want to bring back slavery too??"--and "the USA has the highest gun related death rate in the developed world!!" But then I realized that it would just go to some processing center  & be opened by an underemployed stoner, so there's probably no point...
I just need to figure out a good bumper sticker or slogan to respond to the "Right to Keep and Bear Arms petition".  How about--"yup, I like my arms (and legs too!)--now please put down those guns and stop shooting!!!

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