Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Anchorage is the Worst Dressed City - So What?

So the secret is out: Travel & Leisure mag rated Anchorage, Alaska the worst dressed city in the USA. 
Oh my, now everyone will know why I really live in Alaska....
So, why is being in the worst dressed city actually a good thing?? I'll tell you why:
1- Anyone can look good amongst the worst. I mean don't put any duct tape patches on your parka and scrape that dog poop off your heel and you are good to go! Everyone is sexy and they know it.

2- The financial savings. I can't believe how much money I have saved in Alaska by never having to update my wardrobe. Anyone who actually buys new clothes is mocked until the habit of shopping simply fades away and dies...

3- The simplicity. No giant closets to worry about or fashion magazines to read. Just grab something non-stinky (stinky in the Valley is ok) wipe the dog hair off your socks, and you are dressed.

I will say that now and then, the blood splattered coveralls at the grocery store, or flannel shirts in nice restaurants do bother be. But I guess it's a small price to pay, in order to march around all day as an Alaskan fashion diva - look at me-- I put on clean pants this morning!

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