Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The True Trouble With Cold

I am no silly goose, I know Alaska is cold, and I need to endure it as long as I live here. But here's the weird thing: the freezing cold is not nearly as annoying as the cold's lesser known cousin: low humidity...
This phenomena only kicks in when the outdoor temps hit about 5 degrees or colder (which is like half the winter) but nevertheless--it happens quickly.
Automatically your skin just shrivels and static balls spit out of every cloth you can imagine. Your hair will stand on end, agonizing thirst prevails, yet it all pales in comparison to the ubiquitous dog hair!!!
As every Alaskan knows, you will simply be deported from the state if your household does not include at least one hairy dog. Dry, static covered dogs are simply the worst. It makes them shed even more, except now in the dry air the hair sticks to everything like glue.
You just can't purchase enough sticky lint rollers to keep up with it. I know there is some sort of dog shedding vacuum you can purchase (to vacuum the dog!) but this would result in my arm being chewed off . Brushing does not work, as the human doing the brushing is so dry, that the hair just leaves the dog, and sticks to the human....
Nevertheless, if it gets below 0, I get not one-- but two humidifiers going. This helps a little bit, but doesn't fool anyone. You know my angora-looking socks are really just covered in fancy canine fur!

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