Saturday, January 2, 2010

Quit Your Job and Help Your Fellow Americans

This is my shout out to all those stressed out two income families, driving around in their Yukon SUV's on their way to their high pressure careers....why is mom and dad both working if you clearly have no financial struggles???
As crazy as it sounds--but when everyone wants a job (even if they don't need one) that raises the unemployment rate. People hate to admit it, but not every American family actually needs to work two jobs to put "food on the table". I know plenty of families where mom and dad work, even with incomes way above $100,000 a year simply because staying home is "boring". Or maybe they think it's lazy to bake cookies and volunteer for the PTA, or usually they just like a bit more money.
Of course it can be argued--that no matter what, two income families do pump money back into the economy either through being in a higher tax bracket or buying their endless supply of McMansions (I don't care what Time magazine writes, I feel the McMansion lifestyle is still alive and well) So that argument is fair enough.
BUT I still can't help but notice that if an affluent mom or dad quit one of their careers, presto! A job would open up for some man or woman that needs to make a mortgage payment in a zero income family...

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