Friday, December 11, 2009

What is this Wrong Path You Speak of?

I recently heard one of these right-wing zealots complaining about America going down the wrong path and how all our children will be ruined.
So I proceeded to look up some poll numbers and what have you, to get more clarity about this. What I found online was mostly Obama bashing brought forth by statistically insignificant Fox news polls. Usually a rampant fear of "progressive socialism". When I dug a bit deeper into what people really mean by this, I found it interesting that nobody is comparing this bogey man to Cuba or China, but call the evil plot "European style socialism".
How funny is that? It's like saying :"watch out or you will all become Canadian!" (As we all know Canadians have three heads and live in caves). I understand that the USA is a great economic force in the world--but do our financial markets really ensure the well-being of the average American Joe?
I wish the average Joes and Janes could all get a plane ticket to "this Europe" they fear so much for a few weeks. Travel the train system, eat at some cafes and talk to the locals about how "miserable" they are with socialized medicine and more government intervention.
Then Joe and Jane could more accurately discuss this big fear they have. Otherwise, it's like a small child's fear of Santa Claus. The big red suit scares them more than the positive idea of actually receiving a gift.

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