Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Kids in America

Let me begin, by stating --yes, I know not all teens are ever the same. And for every bad seed, there are plenty of good citizens...But I can't help but tie three little news tid-bits together into one tidy rant & rave...
So here goes: In the past week three little news stories caught my eye. 1- The teen girls in Minnesota who got their jollies by taunting elderly patients in their care (including sexually). 2-The trend of "sextext" or whatever I spelled wrong there--but the "quaint" little hobby of sending naked pics of yourself to others, supposedly 20% of teens (admit) they have done so. And #3- That finally a bigger & better study came out saying what I knew all along--teens ARE in fact influenced by what they see on TV, movies, internet etc.. (duh)
These cute little news items are a pretty nice picture of what happens in a country like ours. A place where the media & internet are god and when kids have more disposable time and income than in any other time in history. (re: a license to be immature brats)
The parents of these kiddies have gone to school, worked hard and chased the American dream to raise their kids in prosperity--but why I ask? So they can become little snots who don't even care about their school work (96% admit to cheating at school) and obsess about each others sexual organs? In this age of Youtube, insta-porn and millions of TV & movie options, all we do is raise little perverts. I mean 20 years ago it was unimaginable that girls would sexualize the experience of working with Alzheimer's patients. Sure, there have always been deranged loons out there, but for girls to brag about it--has shown a strange "normalization" in teen society today.
So, I don't have the answer just yet. Maybe a ton of censorship would be a nice start-- and secondly, growing up a little. But that's wishful thinking.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Teens should understand the importance of education.Sex and pregnancy is better after completing education.
Teen parenting Help