Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Economic Catch Many Americans Don't Understand

A few months ago I saw some interviews with "Average Joes" (what a cliche at this point) but anyway, they were asked about their economic concerns. Ironically, it wasn't their retirement funds, or job security that bothered them--it was high gas, heat and other prices.
The irony here is that the high gas prices are a sign of a GOOD economy, not bad. Thus when the average working man can't afford heating oil--it's really because our oil-based economy is doing so well (increased demand)!! So now that we are in a so called "economic down turn" average Jane is looking around and saying--well this isn't so bad, my gas prices are much better...
So when you start talking about "boosting the economy" what you are really saying is: get oil demand back up, so the working man gets pinched again. Never ending cycle isn't it??

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