Sunday, February 10, 2008

What Defines Us

As I enjoy my life of Alaskan bliss, I am also uncomfortably aware of the scourge growing amongst us. It is not a disease, or beast, but humankinds need for well-known box stores. I know there are other Alaskans who live or moved here to enjoy the wilds of the North , however, I am increasingly seeing another breed of Alaskan--the suburban conformist.

Mostly these types come from the lower 48, usually spouses dragged along to Alaska because of a good job offer for their other half. The result is bizarre comments like, "if only Costco were closer I would be complete" or "Can't wait for the New Home Depot" and "It's about time we got an Appleebees"....

Even the long-time Alaskans can't resist the good deals once they step into a Sam's club or Wal-Mart. Their thrifty eyes just can't look away!

It just isolates me even more, as I can't relate to their excitement. I am perfectly happy with the local shops, lumber and food vendors. It's why I am here. To escape the conformity of the rest of the Nation. Yet it follows me & makes sure that anyplace you live eventually looks the same. This overwhelming need for these boxy places just makes me fear that it really is one of the things that defines the modern American. It used to be: food & shelter, but now we need Wal-Mart.

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