Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Earth is Flat

Just the other day, I listened to a local woman explain to me that the phenomenon of global warming is simply caused by planetary realignment. There really wasn't much we could do as Alaska would be shifting to the equator in just four years. She stated this was a known fact as her husband heard it on TV.
Yes, this fascinating tid-bit was brought to me by a college educated female, living an upper-middle class lifestyle. What surprises me more than the improbability of the information, was the fact that it is very easy for an American to become "educated" and successful in this country without the slightest ability to understand basic scientific principles or care to fact check their information. I understand that books are now for suckers--but come on, at least use the internet!
Political hate-mongers and other folks seeking power relish this void of knowledge amongst our population. They absolutely prey upon the typical American's inability to think or concentrate on anything that isn't spoon fed to them. So the radio, TV and easy internet sites love to spit out quick sound bites for these people to absorb.
Thus these weird messages get spread amongst the masses, leaving the real scientists, thinkers and intellectuals to waste endless energy defending information that is easily understood as logical fact in other developed countries around the world.
Next we'll be reconsidering the moon's capability to be made of cheese......

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