Monday, February 25, 2008

Running of the Reindeer

I am a sucker for a good old fashioned festival. Luckily in Alaska, people are always dreaming up more and improving the oldies. One of these is the Fur Rondy festival, historically a way to welcome back the miners and trappers venturing into Anchorage after a hard winter. Now, it still remains as a showcase for sled dog races, snowshoe softball, dances and a carnival. To spruce up the festival ,the past two years they have brought in the reindeer.
As legend has it, reindeer races were a part of the Fur Rondy about 10 years ago, but then somebody in the crowd got gouged, so bye-bye Rudolf.
Luckily, humans have short memories-- so to revive the festival the reindeer were welcomed back. Then to up the stakes even more, some local radio DJ's dared Alaskans to "run with the reindeer". I don't think anyone predicted how wildly popular it would be, and how all 1,000 slots to run with these tamer caribou, filled up quickly.
Yes, it was an exhilarating event to behold. The fun of humans in costume being beaten in a foot race by cute hoofed creatures. I'm sure plenty of Alaskans in attendance were hoping to witness a good antler poke or two as well.
Whatever the reason for each individual to participate, for me it is simply the fun of attending these weird Alaskan festivities. They are always unique. I have seen outhouse races, moose dropping contests, more sled dogs than I can count, and ice water plunges. The list goes on.

I love the community feeling of zany events, but there are many more people who would rather just stay home and watch a movie. It is beyond me how so many Americans feel that leaving their couch and doing anything more physical or interesting than shopping is too difficult. I guess that's their loss though. Crowds of people just block the view anyway--but three cheers for the folks who still know how to get out of the house and have some fun!!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

So How Much do we NEED?

Often I hear quite a few figures about how the typical American house has doubled in size, we own 2 cars per family, there are more TV sets than individual Americans.... yada, yada...This is the so called "normal" American lifestyle of today.
Yet without a hint of irony, the owners of the two cars, multiple TV's and lavish house will tell you how, "you just can't get by on one income anymore...." It's bizarre to say the least. I don't believe that it is a National secret that we aren't any HAPPIER than we were 50 years ago. But we sure have accumulated bigger houses, more cars, and TV's since then. Or how about closet space? Ever notice how old homes have small closets? Now everyone dies without multiple walk-in storage spaces for their piles of goods.
I suppose the Joneses' or marketing campaigns can be blamed for all this. As we try to impress our neighbors or prove our self-worth we just can't figure out how to do it without maximizing our stuff quotient. Yet the saddest thing is, that the idea of "necessity" has become so abstract.
I have quite a few friends who swear that they just can't afford to shop without utilizing Wal-Mart. But are these same folks starving? Wearing rags? Riding the horse and buggy? I don't believe so. It's just the weird notion once again, that they need more new DVD's, seven Barbie doll sets and a halloween costume for the dog. Go figure, we'll always need more.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

What Defines Us

As I enjoy my life of Alaskan bliss, I am also uncomfortably aware of the scourge growing amongst us. It is not a disease, or beast, but humankinds need for well-known box stores. I know there are other Alaskans who live or moved here to enjoy the wilds of the North , however, I am increasingly seeing another breed of Alaskan--the suburban conformist.

Mostly these types come from the lower 48, usually spouses dragged along to Alaska because of a good job offer for their other half. The result is bizarre comments like, "if only Costco were closer I would be complete" or "Can't wait for the New Home Depot" and "It's about time we got an Appleebees"....

Even the long-time Alaskans can't resist the good deals once they step into a Sam's club or Wal-Mart. Their thrifty eyes just can't look away!

It just isolates me even more, as I can't relate to their excitement. I am perfectly happy with the local shops, lumber and food vendors. It's why I am here. To escape the conformity of the rest of the Nation. Yet it follows me & makes sure that anyplace you live eventually looks the same. This overwhelming need for these boxy places just makes me fear that it really is one of the things that defines the modern American. It used to be: food & shelter, but now we need Wal-Mart.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Earth is Flat

Just the other day, I listened to a local woman explain to me that the phenomenon of global warming is simply caused by planetary realignment. There really wasn't much we could do as Alaska would be shifting to the equator in just four years. She stated this was a known fact as her husband heard it on TV.
Yes, this fascinating tid-bit was brought to me by a college educated female, living an upper-middle class lifestyle. What surprises me more than the improbability of the information, was the fact that it is very easy for an American to become "educated" and successful in this country without the slightest ability to understand basic scientific principles or care to fact check their information. I understand that books are now for suckers--but come on, at least use the internet!
Political hate-mongers and other folks seeking power relish this void of knowledge amongst our population. They absolutely prey upon the typical American's inability to think or concentrate on anything that isn't spoon fed to them. So the radio, TV and easy internet sites love to spit out quick sound bites for these people to absorb.
Thus these weird messages get spread amongst the masses, leaving the real scientists, thinkers and intellectuals to waste endless energy defending information that is easily understood as logical fact in other developed countries around the world.
Next we'll be reconsidering the moon's capability to be made of cheese......