Friday, January 18, 2008

Buy, Buy, Buy....

So they say we'll save the economy if we just get off our butts and buy some more crap. Of course in a perfect world that is a beautiful concept--I go to Smith's General Store, buy some of Farmer Bob's wheat and Mary's ribbon candy, and we all win right? I have my goods, and they make some money.

Too bad the General store and farmer Bob's fields were all plowed over to plop the mega Wal-Mart down. And our Wal-Mart dollars go where--to China?? That's good for the Chinese economy of course. It may also support the truly American concept that your status is defined by the square footage of your house. Because you certainly need all those square feet to stuff reams of plastic kiddie toys, multi colored sweater sets, and flimsy furniture.

The biggest loser in the economic pyramid scheme is actually the environment. All these items we are encouraged to buy are made in Third World countries fueled by coal powered energy. Not to mention the lax environmental laws (like in China) that do not discourage dumping chemical waste or who knows what got logged to make that $29.99 end table... Then on top of it all, your giant McMansion needs to be continuously cooled & heated to protect all that fantastic stuff you've acquired.

At what point will the president simply say: " my administration has invested in national storage units. It is each American's responsibility to fill it up with Payless shoes, Little Tykes bikes, salad spinners, lazy boy chairs and big screen TV's. Thank you and good night. "

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