Thursday, January 10, 2008

Again With Those Lightbulbs

I really can't get over the push for compact fluorescent light bulbs. As someone who cares about Global Warming I should applaud these sickly, dim inventions. But I can't and I won't. First off, the Libertarian in me can't believe a law can be passed banning incandescent bulbs in 2012. Secondly, this isn't even a good ban--for the alternates are actually slightly dangerous. Halogen lights are ok, but fire hazards. And those compact fluorescents contain mercury, not to mention their visual ghastliness.

I still can't believe the logic that somehow the happy, warm lightbulb is to blame for brutal storms, floods and famine. How did coal-fired power plants get off the hook so easily?? Isn't every freakin sweater or toy purchased in this country made in a Chinese factory powered by coal????? And what about our obsession with three car garages and heating McMansions?? But of course we don't really want to disrupt the economy, just annoy consumers with weird lightbulbs until they start lashing out at those darn greenies....

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