Friday, November 30, 2007

Which Kind of Mistake is Worse??

In the past 10 years we've had two United States presidents. Both have become notorious for their presidential mistakes. Each has their own snafu: Clinton the Monica debacle and Bush the Iraq war. Clinton obviously made a mistake in judgement to allow kinky pandering in the Oval office. Bush's mistake involved an overzealous and quick decision to go to war without having all the facts straight.
So as recent history has shown these are admittedly presidential mistakes. However, for Clinton's zippergate, he was served an impeachment trial. Bush is left to his own devices, maybe tortured by his own dream? For the life of me I can't figure out, how Clinton's mistake is worse than Bush's. Why aren't at least ceremonial impeachment hearings be held?? Isn't death, injury, destruction and PTSD a tiny bit worse than the possibility that some sort of presidential spooge hit the carpet???

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