Thursday, October 25, 2007

I Want to Buy a Wolf

No, I don't necessarily want a pet wolf at this moment. There are still places where these can be obtained in Alaska--but the dominance wrestling and mind games one needs to play with this "pet" would just take too much time.
What I want instead is to ensure that an adopted wolf of mine could live in the wild, free from aerial hunting, trapping or other human barbarianism. I would feel blessed simply to watch this wild wolf that only needed to worry about natural disasters or disease, not people.
But I can't. There is no amount a money I can earn that would pay for such a privilege. The most I could do is but a nature preserve for my wolf, but even this would be like a zoo--because without a fence, he/she would still be in danger. And a fenced in wolf can't roam or mate. There is nothing great about that.
This is my peeve--why do sport hunters feel they "earn the right" with their money to shoot a prized grizzly or wolf. But I can never "earn" the right to protect it? These are not species that anyone eats, it is purely a trophy.
Why does money buy you anything, but it can't buy an animal it's right to live in the wild and die of natural causes. They say our natural resources belong to the public, but the killers right trumps the viewers rights.

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