Tuesday, June 12, 2007

School Spirit in Alaska

One of the most frustrating things about the Alaskan status quo is the disregard for education. Simply put, quite a few good paying jobs here require little if any education. Most Alaskans can afford pretty nice lifestyles by picking up a trade, craft or working in the oil fields. Into this mix throw a healthy dose of illiterate rednecks and you have the perfect formula to mock the educated or any establishment fostering education.
This attitude rears its ugly head every election season. Alaskan voters hate to see their property taxes rise--especially if the money goes to something silly like the school system. Needless to say, many kids attend classes in temporary trailers, programs are cut and I even heard talk of eliminating kindergarten!
Of course when parents don't care about schools, neither do the kids. You could point to something ordinary like drop out rates, but here the problem includes a propensity for vandalism.

I have never lived in a place where children habitually set fire to their schools and school playgrounds. The playgrounds are an especially weird crime--who hates playgrounds? But needless to say, every summer playgrounds and schools all across Alaska are set ablaze. The school system encourages campers to camp in school parking lots to eliminate the carnage, but needless to say--it still happens.

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