Friday, May 25, 2007

Cabin Code

The Old Timers in Alaska will tell you there's an old "cabin code" out here. The code was a simple rule- that you never lock your cabin in case a wondering or lost soul needed to seek shelter there.
Unfortunately those days are coming to a close. I hear folks complain that cabins are now being vandalized instead. And it isn't hard to believe, considering how many wilderness areas I have hiked to, only to be met by relics of the previous weekends party: broken glass, shot gun shells and huge ruts where 4x4 action had taken place.
I'm trying to sort out in my own brain the reasons behind this kind of vandalism. Of course there is an adrenaline rush with the shooting, the drinking, the 4x4 riding. But the perplexing question is: why are there no thoughts of how one's behavior affects others?
Has our "right to party" really become the right to destroy others property? Or destroy the environment?
I can't help but feel that a society that encourages individual achievement above community fosters this type of thinking.

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