Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Fake Problems Fix the Economy

The United States economy is a drama queen.  Digging up problems where none should exist, and creating craziness for an economic fix.
I'm sure most folks won't agree with me.. so I'll throw out some (exasperating!) examples.
Obviously "lifestyle illness" is a biggie. The pimple popper MD's and sunscreen peddlers have really done a number on making sure folks are lacking in their Vitamin D. Thousands of years of common sense and evolutionary reduced pigmentation, just thrown to the wind. I mean why are white people white? (duh)!! Because we would die in Northern latitudes if we couldn't absorb more sun!!  But wait--that's free! Can't have that in this economy....(and yes Alaskan natives are darker--but they got their D and Omega 3 from salmon, salmon, salmon... which they currently don't get enough of....another rant of mine altogether)..
 Second free thing that was discouraged for 30 years--breast milk. Now we need to spend ooodles of money to "teach" women not to use expensive formula and go back to the free stuff..good grief.
Stress.  We spend tons of time telling ourselves we "have to fight that traffic", have to get to our stressful job, blah, blah. Because it makes us feel needed and important. Better than the neighbors, sometimes richer.. (and the economy loves this one, even poking at the women to "get out there and work your butt off" --Break that glass ceiling--it's good for economic growth, after all!!  Yet, all this rushing around does nothing but create westernized illness due to stress hormones. But could we ever follow the lead of some nations--reduce the work week, take August off, live in a smallish apartment?? I don't think so, we choose heart failure...

Sugar. Now sugar is a wonderful way to get a quick caloric fix, and quite palatable. But oh my goodness--pay attention to how people use it. Drinking sweetened coffees and cokes all day long to stay awake at their "stressful jobs", topped off with a muffin or bagel. Followed by the sugar crashes, and confused folks being like "why am I so tired?"  Too tired to take the flipping stairs or exercise. Then they are up all night with insomnia and run to the doctor for prescription this and prescription that. Do doctors ever give "free tips" anymore (like put down your soda dorko, and take a hike?) No, that would be free. Much better to just prescribe an expensive med. The diabetes industry keeps lots of people employed for crying out loud!!! Good for them~! I mean healthy and fit people would just devastate the health care sector. What would our economy do without Paula Dean? Bless her, what a great American..     

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