Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Survival of the Fittest

So the Tea Party finally let their true colors show during the Republican debate. Cheering loss of life, due to lack of health insurance, was the sort of thing I knew they were up to all along.
They already unabashedly support Ayn Rands writings, who has no problem whatsoever proclaiming that the incompetent and weak should just go away and die already.
Yet what still puzzles me is this --why is the Tea Party mixing it up with the Right wing? How can you be pro-life and anti Medicaid and Medicare?? Who do you think pays for unwanted, uninsured children? Especially those with complex and expensive medical conditions? It makes no sense at all. Religious anti-abortionists, insisting disabled persons should just suck it up and pay their own way. I heard Ron Paul expressing the idea that charity and doctors in general could somehow cover the medical costs of the uninsured-- but I'm sorry to say, anyone who thinks that hasn't got a clue.
Not that I don't think people wouldn't offer to help the sick and disabled--it's just that they don't seem to understand that this population is increasing (and fast). With advances in medicine and technology--people are living with substantially more complex medical issues and costs they can't afford. There is a compassionate segment of society that understands this, and is willing to pay their share through taxes. But obviously the Tea Party has come up with their own budget minded solution: just let them die.

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