Thursday, February 10, 2011

Societal Oppositional Disorder

This is my new affliction, Societal Oppositional Disorder. The list of things that everyone else likes and I do not, continues to grow at an alarming pace. I am actually worried that I will become a kook hermit living in the woods.
It's like an avalanche of things that everyone wants and likes is falling on my head, but instead of embracing these new societal love interests, I just take cover and actually dislike them more! I am talking about the popular necessities: like cell phones, ipads, Costco, Facebook, large flat screen TV's, trending celebrities and now my email is bombarding me with the movie title: Just Go With It. No, I do not want to JUST GO WITH IT! What an ironic title.
I can't stand the Super Bowl, as viewership continues to increase, nor do I find any new movies to be interesting. I did attend a free symphony last Saturday which I enjoyed more than I expected--maybe there's hope after all. I wasn't alone after all....

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