Thursday, June 17, 2010

Al Gore and Global Warming

I'll admit I was reading a bit about the ridiculous Al and Tipper Gore divorce scandal. I'm not really interested who caused it, but that said, I am saddened by a solid-looking union calling it quits...
But moving on...this story led me to read about other Al Gore events I was not aware of--namely the California home he bought in April. This I found even more interesting than the divorce, as I firmly believe huge houses are environmental nightmares. No matter how many solar panels you have--they usually are a resource and energy drain. So I wanted to cut Al some slack and tried to research the square footage of said controversial property--is it really ostentatious or maybe just a tad fancy??

Instead I was hit by the brutal reminder that many, many Americans believe that Al Gore started a Global warming hoax. This absolutely blows my mind. I do remember a statistic somewhere about the percentage of Global warming believers in the USA declining. But what are they denying ---that the earth is warming--or that humans caused it?? Denying the earth is warming reminds me of ancient history--when people would argue about the earth being flat. Anyone who doesn't believe in climate change should just travel a bit and get off their fox news watching couch. They'll see how respected scientists all over the world agree on this topic, how certain islands are going under water, the ice caps are melting--just look people. (seeing is believing)

I can better understand the "humans caused this" factor being controversial-it's probably more vague. But who cares who caused it?? If new energy sources and carbon caps can curb this event from happening faster--why be against it??? Instead like little toddlers they argue about who broke the toy (or lying that the toy is not broken at all) instead of just cleaning it up. Weird. It just makes me worry about Americans in general and their ability to compete with international scientific minds. Are we doomed folks??

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