Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What's The Deal With Swine Flu??

So everyone is scared about swine flu. The media is having a great time scaring the pants off of everyone, as a good thriller is always fun. But here's the let down: it's not as exciting as the media makes it out to be.
For one, I should know as living in Alaska, it looks like I already caught the flu two weeks ago. When I realized that I had the flu and not a cold (because of the chills & lack of runny nose) I started researching more about symptoms. I came upon some British websites that honestly told their population --yes --half of you have the swine flu, but get over it--it is actually MILDER than regular flu.
A statement was released by the government, that yes, 98% of flu right now (Aug/Sept.) in the USA are H1N1. So many of us loyal citizens have the damn thing but don't even realize it--because you are not going to test for something that seems so ordinary...
Of course I understand the flu is never a joke--as vulnerable populations are always at risk for complications. I just don't know why they want people to expect this fearsome disease--when actually it is much milder, they probably already have it and therefore are spreading it without even realizing it.....

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