Thursday, November 13, 2008

Box Store Blow Out

The local news headlines are clear--Costco may be coming to Wasilla, Alaska! The box-store-happy mayor has now died and gone to heaven. I do not know what Wasilla's obsession with box-stores is. It's one of those materialistic complexities that elude me.
Wasilla could be a weird game show. On a cloudy day (so you can't see the mountains)a blind-folded person could be dropped there and asked to guess -where in America are you?
And you know what? They wouldn't know. Every suburban town in the USA looks the same now. Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Target.... It's utterly disgusting. Wasilla does not care for local character or small businesses (it is a well documented fact). Just boring conformity, so we can all own the exact same jacket. I don't get it at all.
Wasilla just a few years ago had more stores with character. Outdoors and More was an outdoor store filled with military bunny boots, strange European slipper shoes, and Alaskan odd and ends. Now it has gone out of business to be replaced with the giant Sportmans Warehouse. No originality there. Just stinky cheap sporting goods from China stuffed into a giant square. The Valley already has their own "small business" versions of Alaska Costcos. One of them: Three Bears, is an Alaskan owned business, catering to the Costco crowd. Why is it important to plow them out of business, in favor of what?? Just more of the same.

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