Monday, October 27, 2008

How to Shatter the Glass Ceiling With Good Looks!!

Anyone with half a brain can see that the whole Sarah Palin phenomena underscores one simple fact: good looks will get you far baby!!
The simplicity of this factoid has been reflected in numerous Saturday Night Live skits--how less beautiful accomplished ladies have to fight, work and work some more, while an exceptionally pretty one can sail along on the breeze of good looks. It's no secret that in Alaska, our Sarah was elected by many a man who simply stated they voted for the "hot one".
Thus the secret is out: any articulate and sassy woman can break through the proverbial "glass ceiling" simply by avoiding ugliness.
The irony of this simplicity is that two other pretty ladies were actually instrumental in bringing down Sarah P's popularity--Katie Couric and Tina Fey...No man would have been brave enough.

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