Sunday, June 15, 2008

Why is PTSD Stigmatized as a Disorder?

In times of war, discussions regarding PTSD make the news headlines. Civilians experiencing tragedy and disaster most definitely experience the same affliction, making it a fairly common human experience. My quandary however, is the last part of the acronym- the word "disorder".
I am assuming that it is considered a disorder, because feelings of depression, rage, fear or guilt that interfere with everyday functioning are a no-no in normal society. But what then is the acceptable response to tragedy & death?
Do we want a society where it is healthy to watch others be blown to pieces and the citizens witnessing such an event can brush it off and just move on? Why is there shame when a human being experiences an obvious biological response to unspeakable violence and destruction?? Isn't it actually better for a society's survival to over-react to death and gore instead of ignore it? I say, label it Post Traumatic Stress Response, drop the 'disorder' stigma and accept that humans just might not be able to experience brutality and then live happily ever after...

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