Friday, September 28, 2007

The Unspeakable Ways to Save the Planet

Yada yada finally president Bush has conceded that his cronies couldn't keep the truth about Global Warming under wraps any more. Even the Bush dynasty is now proclaiming half-assed ways to help the planet.
I admit, I haven't listened to his drivel or suggestions yet-but I can assume it's going to be more of the same --destroy forests to plant more corn for ethanol, or buy those mercury filled light bulbs....
Nobody as of yet has come forth with the radical ultimatum to all Americans: "Your homes are too big! You drive too much! Why do you engage in 'fast fashion'? stop shopping!"
I am still waiting when the economically suicidal movement of consuming less will bloom.

How about building up mass transit, so the obsession of owning the three car garage will end??
And why are we slaves to dumb looking fashions, plastic toys and endless kitchen gadgets?
Obviously there is no easy resolution to the economic collapse that would happen when we start consuming less. But I ask why isn't there? Why can't Americans be convinced to pay more for a smaller home built with local materials? Or stop watching the TV, and start growing your own food!
I get especially peeved when I see good, solid wood furniture at the Salvation Army--but any American would rather pay triple for a piece of particle board crap, then throw it out when it breaks. Why can't we just fix good furniture, appliances, shoes? Why did everyone buy the myth that it is a matter of status to throw things out instead of fixing them??
These are my unpopular suggestions to really help the planet.

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