Thursday, March 17, 2011

Chickens at the Airport

Upon landing at a tropical location it is always amazing to observe the hot, open air airports. It is quite wondrous to be in a place that never needs to be fully enclosed as the weather is always warm. But I am an unusual creature. Besides relishing the humid air of "not-winter"--I get excited about seeing another thing: chickens at the airport.
I first saw this at the airport in Trinidad and Tobago. More recently I have observed this phenomena at smaller airports in Hawaii. It just came to me, that not everyone thinks this is great. I am sure plenty of people find poultry in public places to be disgusting. Yet I see it and think--"this vacation is going to be good".
I feel the same way about loose dogs , crazy wind gusts, bears, low flying helicopters and turbulence on airplanes. Holy cow-I can't believe that I am so demented, that others just hate these things--- but they make my day. I know in my heart these things really won't harm me--

Recently I returned from Sacramento, California. We drove around the suburbs and it made me depressed. It was so dull. Returning to the Anchorage airport in the baggage claim area, I was happy to see at least 4 dogs (on leashes)--and one that got loose! Nobody even blinked or cared that this canine was free .. Tears came to my eyes as I thought-- yes , I am home again.