Thursday, July 12, 2007

How to Spot a Tourist in Alaska

Tourist season is upon us once again in Alaska. I honestly have nothing against tourists, but find it funny that they have no idea how much they stick out in Alaska.

Tourist clues:
1- Wearing warm coats in 60 degree weather. (Alaskans know that's shorts weather!)

2- Fancy outdoor gear including never before worn hiking boots. Many out-of-townees seem to think you need rugged gear to stroll the mall in Anchorage....

3- Constantly calling friends in the lower 48 on their cell phones at 10:00pm, simply to say "I can't believe it's still light out!"

4- Wearing perfume while hiking. Wow! some folks just don't get what makes the mosquitoes tick...

5- Unrealistic fishing expectations & throwing a line into the wrong waters. Hey-as new comers we were guilty of this one too. Alaska has great fishing--but most folks sit at fishing holes for hours (if not days) just to catch "the big one".

6- Wearing hats & T-shirts that say only "Alaska" on them. Actual Alaskans love the word Alaska too--but it must be in a broader context: as in "Alaska Arctic fence post repair" or "Alaska girls kick ass"....

7- Inability to comprehend the beauty of duct tape.

8- Lastly, tourists don't believe the Moose poop earrings are made of real moose poop!! Yes, they are and no, it's not gross>>>.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Breaking Free From the Fashion Police

It isn't hard to observe that most Alaskan women have absolutely no regard for fashion or fancy preening and pruning. At first it may strike some as odd or even a bit too rustic--but from the women's perspective it is a joyful liberation from the fashion police.
Once a woman has moved to Alaska, it only takes a few years to give up on fashion and easily swim in the waters of comfort instead. It becomes the dirty little secret of ladies whose family & friends still reside in the "lower 48". These new Alaskan women snicker how those on the "outside" obsess and wonder how someone can "let themselves go". But alas--they don't know how liberating it feels to drink from the fountain of freedom from expectations.
It's not like giving up on fashion and heavy make-up means Alaskan women look bad. There certainly are quite a few that should look in the mirror more often. But in my opinion, the worst cases simply need to get into shape or find a laundromat.
It is certainly a much bigger crime that so many "urban" women spend so much money & time on clothes, shoes and make-overs. It is the most ridiculous and frivolous waste of time imaginable. And in the long run-an incredible stressor.
Just ask any "Alaska girl" about the relief of breaking free...